The Official Blog for the upcoming Graphic Novel by Tony Medina

The Official Blog for the upcoming Graphic Novel by Tony Medina
The Story of a hired killer and a brave little girl.warning: this blog may contains scenes of cartoon voilence, and profanity. Reader discretion is advised.

Soundtrack to Bullets And Daisies The Graphic Novel

Tony Medina's Facebook profile

Saturday, July 01, 2006

A letter from the Author Tony Medina

Thank you for reading this....

Dear Friends,

I wish to thank everybody for their patience and there open ear for evertime I even bring up this Damn Project. I have been obsessed with this 'graphic novel' for some time now, and it seems to be picking up heat as we go along. I have encountered some facinating individuals along the way and I can't thank you enough for your support.

I would also like to invite those who have not yet learned about what I'm babbling about and sit a spell and check it out.

I have found a neat way to create a 'comic book' or 'graphic novel' using digital photos and a few tricks with Photoshop I am CASTING people I've met to portray the characters, much like a director does for a movie. As a matter of fact, most of the process to do this project is much like making a movie.

I have to finish the script, (more on that Later), Cast folks for the characters, find locatons, props, costumes and even the occasional special effect. It' s a pretty big process, but I believe in this story, and the people who can help convey it. If you are learning about this for the first time, let me tell ya, THIS COULD BE HUGE. (and not in that adult entertainment kinda way, either).

The story was conceived as an experiment using an online journal ( as a matter of fact: search meanoldman). I was trying to write simple prose from the perspective of a Hired Assassin. The more I wrote, the more the ideas came.I let it alone after a spell, especially since I hadn't a clue how to end it.

So, It stayed dormant for a while.

Later I met a very cool dude, Brian (see ) who is a fun guy and a unique song writer. I told him about this Idea for the comic book, but didn't quite have a story.

He immediately gave huge support and got me fired up to give it a try.Not long later, I rediscovered the story and immediately started to write the script. Moreover, I found some awsome folks to assist in this big deal.

Let me Introduce you to a few:

Amidei is the main character 'Michael Scott Ellis' . I met him through the Open Stage at the Cricket on the Hill in Denver Colorado (as many involved were found at, also). He is an incredible singer/songwriter and I strongly suggest you check him out. He is a very busy performer, but he hasn't lost the love for being the head guy in the story...

You've already heard of Brian and his other pal, Damon, who were so kind to allow me to shoot a few shots of them .(you have to click THIS right NOW to see what I mean.) Brian will portray an outta control badass who LOVES the movie Scarface.

Sydney Brooke : cast as a character who is tough, but has an emotional side to her story. Syd really is an AWESOME singer an performer, also met through the Open Stage. Check out her profile and send her some love.

Mindy Howard: cast as an Police Detective, also very tough. (I dig tough girls ) Mindy is an amazing family member of the band MEDINA and has an incredible spirit and a superb eye with a camera. She may even be on as a photographer for this project.

James Han : will portray a badass gangster (Asian no less). But Let me tell ya first, He is the most sexiest motherlover EVER to hit myspace. You MUST listen to his tunes and you MUST see him perform MEDINA and with Melissa Ivey & The Gentlemen. HE IS AMAZING AS A PERFORMER AND A FRIEND. All hail the Han!

There are many more to come, but I thought I'd start with these guys. I know there are many more folks who will be involved and will be supportive, so they'll get there spot on soon. I will be following this blog with a bit on The GOAL of this project. I hope that is enough for this one for now,

Peace Love and Life for you and yours,

Blood, Fear and Bullets for your enemies.

(That's a pun.)

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